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The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge : A Christian Perspective /

John Ankerberg 1945-

The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge : A Christian Perspective / John Ankerberg, John Weldon - Chicago : Moody Press 1990 - 333 22 cm

"The Masonic Lodge offers its members social prestige, brotherhood, a sense of mystery, and an opportunity to do charitable work. But that's not all there is to Masonry.The philosophies and symbols used in the Masonic rituals all point to a world view that includes God as a benevolent but unapproachable father who holds all men as his children, regardless of their beliefs. The secrecy and rituals are also reminiscent of paganism and the occult.Yet, Masons are promised that nothing in Masonry's teachings will ever conflict with the Christian faith. Is the Masonic Lodge deceiving its Christian members? The Secret Teachings of the Masonic Lodge is an eye-opening look at the beliefs, rituals, and teachings of the Masons. The authors have carefully researched the subject, using documents recommended by leaders of the Lodge. They contrast their findings with the principles and commands found in Scripture. You will find answers to such questions as: Is Freemasonry a religion? Is the god of the Masonic Lodge the God of Christianity? Does the Masonic Lodge turn men away from Jesus Christ? What goes on behind closed doors? If you or someone you love is involved in Masonry, you need to know the Christian perspective" -- BACK COVER

0802476953 9780802476951




Freemasonry--Religious aspects--Christianity
Freemasonry--Religious aspects

Comparative Theology اللاهوت المقارن

HS495 / .A64 1990