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Eusebius of Caesarea يوسابيوس القيصري

Ancient Christian Texts Commentary on Isaiah / - Downers Grove IVP Academic 2010 - 332 26 - Ancient Christian Texts .

Eusebius of Caesara (ca. 260-ca. 340), one of the early church's great polymaths, produced significant works as a historian, geographer, philologist, exegete, apologist, and theologian. His commentary on Isaiah is one of his major exegetical works and the earliest extant Christian commentary on the great prophet. Geographically situated between Alexandria and Antioch, Eusebius approached the text giving notable attention to historical detail and possible allegorical interpretation. But above all, employing the angolgia fidei, he drew his reader's attention to other passages of Scripture that share a common vocabulary and theological themes, thus allowing Scripture to interpret Scripture.




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