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So Great a Salvation: Biblical Meditations of A Contemporary Desert Father/

الأنبا إبيفانيوس أسقف ورئيس دير القديس أنبا مقار

So Great a Salvation: Biblical Meditations of A Contemporary Desert Father/ Anba Epiphanius ; preface of H.H. Pope Tawadros, II ; edition and translation from Arabic by Samuel Kaldas & Ramza Bassilious ; preface by Monk Wadid El Macari ; introduction by Monk Markos El Makari. - Egypt The Monastery of St. Macarius دير القديس أنبا مقار 2019 - 308 21 cm

"Anba Epiphanius, Bishop and Abbot of the Monastery of Saint Macarius the Great (Egypt)"--t.p. "In appendix, Anba Epiphanius' Apohthegms"-- t.p.

"Let those who have been stung by sin and have had its deadly poison spread throughout their body lift their eyes to the One who died once for their sake, Who is now alive and the Life-giver. They shall feel the tremors of a new life running through their inward parts, renewing their thoughts, their affections, their hopes and their desires. The Lord Jesus revealed in His conversation with Nicodemus the mystery of new life which He granted to him and to all who believe in Him; all that remains for us now is to look upon the Lord Jesus in faith. Then, shall we inherit eternal life and taste "so great a salvation" (Heb. 2:3).**THE BOOK IS ENHANCED BY THE FOREWORD BY H.H. POPE TAWADROS II, PATRIARCH OF THE ORTHODOX COPTIC CHURCH.**ANBA EPIPHANIUS (1954-2018) was a bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church and the abbot of the Monastery of Saint Macarius the Great in Egypt. Disciple of Father Matta el Meskin, he was a tenacious reformer of monasticism, a tireless creator of bridges between the Christian Churches, an internationally respected scholar of biblical, liturgical and patristic texts"--






Biblical Studies مقدمات ودراسات الكتاب المقدس