Coptic texts in the University of Michigan collection,
Worrell, William Hoyt, 1879-
Coptic texts in the University of Michigan collection, edited by William H. Worrell. Collaborators: Elinor M. Husselman, Louise A. Shier, Herbert C. Youtie, Orsamus M. Pearl [and] Werner Vycichl. With a study in the popular traditions of Coptic, by William H. Worrell - USA - xiii, 375 pages : XI pl. on 6 28 cm - Humanistic Series 46 .
Coptic English
Coptic language--Texts
Coptic language--Pronunciation
Coptology علم القبطيات
PJ2196.M5 / W6
Coptic texts in the University of Michigan collection, edited by William H. Worrell. Collaborators: Elinor M. Husselman, Louise A. Shier, Herbert C. Youtie, Orsamus M. Pearl [and] Werner Vycichl. With a study in the popular traditions of Coptic, by William H. Worrell - USA - xiii, 375 pages : XI pl. on 6 28 cm - Humanistic Series 46 .
Coptic English
Coptic language--Texts
Coptic language--Pronunciation
Coptology علم القبطيات
PJ2196.M5 / W6