Publications de la Societe d'Archeologie Copte: Textes et Documents: The Rite of Consecration of The Patriarch of Alexandria
Publications de la Societe d'Archeologie Copte: Textes et Documents: The Rite of Consecration of The Patriarch of Alexandria
- Egypt Société d'archéologie copte 1960
- 100 28 cm
- Publications de la Societe dArcheologie Copte Textes et Documents .
(text According to Ms. 253 Lit., Coptic Museum)
English Coptic Arabic
Liturgy اللاهوت الطقسي - الليتورجيا
(text According to Ms. 253 Lit., Coptic Museum)
English Coptic Arabic
Liturgy اللاهوت الطقسي - الليتورجيا