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Le osservatore Romano: From 2010 to 2012 - India Carmel International Publishing House, India 2012 Vatican City Carmel International Publishing House, India 2012 - Le osservatore Romano A Weekly Periodical 38 .

(V. 43,2010: from N. 31 (2156) (4 August) to N. 51-52 (2175) (22-29 December) without N. 36,40-48) , (V. 44,2011: from N. 14 (2189) (6 April) to N. 52 (2226) (28 December) without N. 20,28,34-36,38-40,42,43,45) , (V. 45,2012: N. 1 (2227) (4 January))



Religious Periodicals
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