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Women in A Changing World: From 1980 to 1991 - Switzerland The World Council of Churches 1991 - Women in A Changing World Twice a Year Periodical 10 .

(1980: N. 8 May, 9 Dec.) , (1983: N. 14 Apr., 15 Jul.) , (1984: N. 17 Feb.) , (1986: N. 22 Oct. (2 copies)) , (1987: N. 23 Jun., 24 Nov. A Special Issue on JPIC, Militarism and its Effects on Women, A Report on The Asian Women’s Consultation of Justice, Peace and The Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Bangkok, Thailand, 1-8 December 1986) , (1990: N. 29 Aug. Time is Business, too, A Special issue for the Pre-Assembly, Women Meeting of the WCC, Seventh Assembly, Canberra, Australia 3-6 February 1991)



Religious Periodicals
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