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Paramahansa Yogananda

The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of The Christ Within You, a Revelatory Commentary on The Original Teachings of Jesus: Volume 2 - USA Self- Realization Fellowship 2004 - 807- 1642 25 - 1st

v. 2. Jesus Performs the Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes, and Walks on the Sea of Galilee -- The True "Bread of Life" -- "The Signs of the Times": Jesus' Works and Words in Testimony of His Special Dispensation -- Peter's Inspired Recognition of the Christ, and Jesus' Transfiguration -- "If Ye Have Faith, Nothing Shall Be Impossible Unto You" -- "The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven": Humble Servants of All -- "If Thy Hand or Thy Foot Offend Thee, Cut Them Off": Jesus' Counsel on Renunciation of Evil -- "Follow Me": Further Counsel from Jesus on Inner and Outer Renunciation -- "Never Man Spake Like This Man" : Jesus Confounds His Critics in Jerusalem -- "I Am the Light of the World ... Before Abraham Was, I Am" -- "I Am the Door ... I Am the Good Shepherd ... I and My Father Are One" -- Fulfilling the Two Greatest Commandments -- An Esoteric Perspective on The Lord's Prayer -- Jesus Condemns Hypocrisy and Self-Serving Judgment in Religion and Law -- God-realization: The Heavenly Treasure of Individuals and Nations -- Will Few or Many Find Salvation?: Jesus Affirms the Role of the Guru in the Disciple's Liberation -- Jesus' Parables on Humility and Discipleship, and the Parable of the Prodigal Son -- "Ye Cannot Serve God and Mammon": The Use and Misuse of Wealth -- "I Am the Resurrection and the Life": Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead -- "The Kingdom of God Is Within You" -- Jesus Speaks of Soul Union as the Original Purpose of Marriage: "He that is able to receive it, let him receive it" -- Exchanging Temporal Wealth for the Riches of God's Kingdom: The Blessings Inherent in God's Commandments -- The Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem -- Jesus Teaches in the Temple at Jerusalem for the Last Time -- "The Hour Is Come, That the Son of Man Should Be Glorified" -- Did Jesus Prophesy His Second Coming and the End of the World? -- What Jesus Meant By "Everlasting Punishment" -- "This Do in Remembrance of Me": The Last Supper, Part I -- "Love One Another As I Have Loved You": The Last Supper, Part II -- "Abide in Me ... Continue Ye in My Love": The Last Supper, Part III -- "Father, I Have Finished the Work Which Thou Gavest Me to Do": The Last Supper, Part IV (Conclusion) -- Jesus' Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, and His Arrest -- The Crucifixion -- "Lo, I Am With You Always": The Resurrection of Jesus, and His Ever-Living Presence -- Addenda: Inspirational Readings for the True Worship of Christ -- Part I, Christmas -- Part II, Easter.

0876125550 9780876125557




Christianity and yoga
