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Paramahansa Yogananda

The Second Coming of Christ: The Resurrection of The Christ Within You, a Revelatory Commentary on The Original Teachings of Jesus: Volume 1 - USA Self- Realization Fellowship 2004 - 805 25 - 1st

v. I. Divine Incarnations: God's Emissaries -- Jesus' Immaculate Conception and His Relationship With John the Baptist -- The Birth of Jesus and the Adoration of the Three Wise Men -- The Infancy and Youth of Jesus -- The Unknown Years of Jesus' Life-Sojourn in India -- The Baptism of Jesus Christ -- The Role of Satan in God's Creation -- Jesus' Temptation in the Wilderness -- Jesus Meets His First Disciples -- "Hereafter Ye Shall See Heaven Open" : Jesus' Discourse to Nathanael -- Water Into Wine: "This Beginning of Miracles" -- Driving the Money Changers Out of the Temple -- The Second Birth of Man-In Spirit Dialogue With Nicodemus, Part I -- The Ascension of Man-Lifting Up the Serpent in the Wilderness: Dialogue With Nicodemus, Part II -- God's Love Gave to the World His Only Begotten Son: Dialogue With Nicodemus, Part III (Conclusion) -- Rejoicing in the Voice of the Bridegroom -- The Woman of Samaria, Part I -- Worship God "in Spirit and in Truth": The Woman of Samaria, Part II -- "My Meat Is to Do the Will of Him That Sent Me": The Woman of Samaria, Part III (conclusion) -- "Thy Son Liveth": The Healing Power of Thought Transformation -- "What Things the Father Doeth, These Also Doeth the Son Likewise" Jesus' Discourse on Judgment and Resurrection After the Healing at the Pool of Bethesda -- "Repent Ye, and Believe the Gospel" -- Fishers of Men -- Casting Out Devils -- Healing the Sick -- The Beatitudes -- The Sermon on the Mount, Part I -- To Fulfill the Law : The Sermon on the Mount, Part II -- The Lord's Prayer: Jesus Teaches His Followers How to Pray : The Sermon on the Mount, Part III -- "Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God, and His Righteousness" : The Sermon on the Mount, Part IV -- To Build the House of Life Upon the Rock of Wisdom : The Sermon on the Mount, Part V (Conclusion) -- Why Jesus Mixed With "Publicans and Sinners" -- "The Sabbath Was Made for Man, and Not Man for the Sabbath" -- Ordination of the Twelve Apostles and Sermon on the Plain -- Jesus Cites His Wondrous Works in Testimony to John the Baptist and Extols John's Greatness -- The Forgiveness of Sins -- What is Blasphemy Against the Holy Ghost? -- "And He Spake Many Things Unto Them In Parables" : Jesus' Sermon About the Kingdom of Heaven -- "Thy Faith Hath Made Thee Whole": Storm, Disease, Devils, Death, Bow to the Will of Jesus -- "A Prophet Hath No Honor In His Own Country" -- Jesus' Counsel to Ministers of God's Word, Part I -- 41 Jesus' Counsel to Ministers of God's Word, Part II --

0876125550 9780876125557




Christianity and yoga
