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The Pentateuch in its cultural environment

Livingston, G. Herbert

The Pentateuch in its cultural environment - Grand Rapids, Baker Book House 1978 - xiv, 296 pages illustrations 24 cm - 3rd

Part 1: Time, people, and communications -- A chronological frame for the ancient Near East -- The people of the ancient Near East -- The languages of the ancient Near East -- The scripts of the ancient Near East -- Part 2: Literature, concepts, and practices -- The literature of the ancient Near East -- Thought and expression in the ancient Near East -- The ancient literature compared with the Pentateuch -- Part 3: Assumptions, Critical methods, and theories -- Ways of looking at the Pentateuch -- The manuscripts and Mosaic authorship -- The Pentateuch and canonization

9780801055409 0801055407





Biblical Studies مقدمات ودراسات الكتاب المقدس