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ВНЕШНИЕ СВЯЗИ РУССКОЙ ПРАВОСЛАВНОЙ ЦЕРКВИ Доклад митрополита Минского и Белорусского: ФИЛАРЕТА, Председателя Отдела внешних церковных сношений: VNESHNIYe SVYAZI RUSSKOY PRAVOSLAVNOY TSERKVI Doklad mitropolita Minskogo i Belorusskogo FILARETA, Predsedatelya Otdela vneshnikh tserkovnykh snosheniy

By: Material type: TextTextLanguage: Russian Publication details: Russia Московская Патриархин: Moscow Patriarchine 1988Description: 97 20Patent information: 1988Subject(s):
EXTERNAL RELATIONS OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Report of Metropolitan of Minsk and Belarus: FILARET, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations
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EXTERNAL RELATIONS OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH Report of Metropolitan of Minsk and Belarus: FILARET, Chairman of the Department for External Church Relations

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