TY - BOOK AU - Thomas à Kempis TI - Of the Imitation of Christ, Four Books PY - 1881/// CY - UK PB - Rivingtons KW - English KW - History N1 - An edition of 100 copies, 10 on vellum. Cf. p. 215. . made 170 yeeres since by one Thomas of Kempis, & for the worthines thereof oft since translated out of Latine into sundrie languages by diuers godlie and learned men ; now newly corrected, translated, and with most ample textes, and sentences of holie scripture illustrated by Thomas Rogers MDLXXX. . three, both for wisedome, & godlines, most excellent bookes; "Here begineth the forthe boke of Ye folowynge Iesu Cryst & of Ye contempnynge of ye world. In prynted at the commaundement of ye most excellent Prynces Margarete: moder vnto Our Souereine Lorde Kinge Henry the VII, countes of Rychemount & Derby and by the same prynces it was translated out of Frenche into Englysshe ... the yere of Our Lord God M.D.IIII": p. [173]-214; Illustrated t.-p; "Edited by Ernest Godman from the earliest English translations"--P. 214 N2 - Rogers, Thomas, -1616. . Godman, Ernest. . Beaufort, Margaret, Countess of Richmond and Derby, 1443-1509. ER -