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رسالة إلى المدرسين: عدد خاص تخليدا لذكرى الأب الدكتور هنري عيروط   Publication: مصر منشورات الجمعية الكاثوليكية للمدارس المصرية 1969 Description: 63 pages , 24 cm. Date: 1969 Availability: Items available: (1)

Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists: Cambridge, 3-9 September 1995. The Role of Conservation in Egyptology by Richard L. Jaeschke Publication: Belgium Uitgeverij Peeters 1998 Description: 584-586 pages , 24 cm. Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta .82 Date: 1998 Availability: Items available: (1)

Unconscious Therapeutics: Or the Personality of The Physician by Alfred Taylor Schofield Publication: UK J. & A. Churchill 1906 Description: 317 pages , 19 cm. Date: 1906 Availability: Items available: (1)

The Return of Royal Mummy عودة مومياء ملكية   Publication: مصر المجلس الأعلى للآثار Description: , 28 cm. Availability: Items available: (1)

Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists: Actes du neuvième congrès international des égyptologues: Grenoble, 6-12 septembre 2004. Volume I-II La découverte du tombeau de Maiherperi (KV 36) dans les notes inédites de Victor Loret by Christian Orsenigo Publication: Belgium Uitgeverij Peeters 2007 Description: 584-586 pages , 24 cm. Series: Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta .150 Date: 2007 Availability: Items available: (1)

مركز توثيق التراث الحضاري والطبيعي: فن توثيق التراث   Publication: مصر Bibliotheca Alexandria مكتبة الإسكندرية Description: , 30 cm. Availability: Items available: (1)

The Unconscious Mind by Alfred Taylor Schofield Publication: UK Funk and Wagnalls Company 1901 Description: 486 pages , 21 cm. Date: 1901 Availability: Items available: (1)

الفن الإسلامي ورعايته كنوز من الكويت   Publication: الكويت وزارة الإعلام في الكويت 1999 Description: 90 pages , 28 cm. Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: (1)

Constructive Conscious Control of The Individual by F. Matthias Alexander Publication: UK Chaterson Limited 1946 Description: 196 pages , 20 cm. Date: 1923 Availability: Items available: (1)

Aegyptus: Rivista italiana di egittologia e di papirologia, 1-2: Anno LXXIV, gennaio-dicembre 1994. Estratto. Un rilievo postamarniano del Muso Civico di Bologna by Paola Davoli Publication: Italy Vita E Pensiero 1994 Description: 40-49 pages , 24 cm. Date: 1994 Availability: Items available: (1)

التسجيلات المصرية القديمة وثائق تاريخية منذ أقدم العصور حتى الغزو الفارسي   Publication: الكويت مجلة كلية الآداب والتربية 1973 Description: 48 pages , 28 cm. Date: 1906 Availability: Items available: (1)

Social Research Center: Reprint Series, Number 4. Migrant Adjustment to City Life: The Egyptian Case by Janet Abulughod Publication: Cairo The American University in Cairo Press 1961 Description: 22-32 pages , 25 cm. Date: 1961 Availability: Items available: (1)

Sonderdruck aus: Gottinger Miszellen: Beitrage Zur Agyptologischen Diskussion. Methods Used in Restoring Reliefs Vandalized During the Amarna Period by Peter Brand Publication: Germany Georg - August - Universität 1999 Description: 37-44 pages , 21 cm. Date: 1999 Availability: Items available: (1)

قاموس جغرافي- عمراني لإقليم (منف) إنب- حج: الإقليم الأول من أقاليم مصر السفلي by باسم سمير الشرقاوي Publication: مصر كلية الآثار - جامعة القاهرة 2004 Description: 51+17 pages , 30 cm. Date: 2004 Availability: Items available: (1)

Wit and Its Relation to The Unconscious by Sigmund Freud Publication: UK Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co. Ltd. Description: 388 pages , 21 cm. Availability: Items available: (1)

Delusion and Dream: An Interpretation in The Light of Psychoanalysis, of Gradiva, a Novel, by Wilhelm Jensen, Which Is Here Translated by Sigmund Freud Publication: UK George Allen & Unwin Ltd 1921 Description: 213 pages , 22 cm. Date: 1917 Availability: Items available: (1)

A Preliminary Report on 1984 Excavations at Hierakonpolis by Michael Allen Hoffman Publication: 1984 Description: , 30 cm. Date: 1984 Availability: Items available: (1)

Notes d'épigraphie archaïque by Bernhard Grdseloff Publication: Cairo Imprimerie de l'nstitut français d'archéologie orientale Description: 280-306 pages , 28 cm. Availability: Items available: (1)

Gegengabe: Festschrift fur Emma Brunner-Traut. Interpreting: the Shipwrecked Sailor by Peter Manuelian Publication: Germany Attempto Verlag Tübingen Description: 224-233 pages , 24 cm. Availability: Items available: (1)

Mission française des fouilles de Tanis: Rapport sur la XXXVIe campagne de fouilles – 1989 by Philippe Brissaud Publication: 1989 Description: 15-96 pages , 30 cm. Date: 1989 Availability: Items available: (1)