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Jesus Christ in A Changing World   Publication: Lebanon Al-Khal Brothers Prenters and Publishers Description: 137 pages , 22 cm. Series: Rattvik .68 Availability: Items available: (1)

History of the Christian church: Vol. 5: the Middle ages from Gregory VII to Gregory VIII, A.D. 1049- 1294 by Philip Schaff Publication: USA W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 1960 Description: 910 pages , 22 cm. Date: 1907 Availability: Items available: (1)

History of the Christian church: Vol. 8:Modern Christianity the Swiss Reformation by Philip Schaff Publication: USA W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. 1910 Description: 890 pages , 22 cm. Date: 1910 Availability: Items available: (1)

Open Library:
World Christian Handbook: 1957 edition by E.J. Bingle Publication: UK World Dominion Press 1957 Description: XXII, 312 pages , 22 cm. Date: 1957 Availability: Items available: (1)

A History of Nursing: Vol. 1: the evolution of nursing systems from the earliest times to the foundations of the first English and American training schools for nurses by Lavinia L. Dock Publication: USA G. P. Putnam's sons 1907 Description: 549 pages , 21 cm. Date: 1907 Availability: Items available: (1)

A History of Nursing: Vol. 2: the evolution of nursing systems from the earliest times to the foundations of the first English and American training schools for nurses by Lavinia L. Dock Publication: USA G. P. Putnam's sons 1907 Description: 461 pages , 21 cm. Date: 1907 Availability: Items available: (1)

A History of Nursing: Vol. 3: From the Earliest Times to The Present Day with Special Reference to The Work of The Past Thirty Years by Lavinia L. Dock Publication: USA G. P. Putnam's sons 1912 Description: 340 pages , 21 cm. Date: 1912 Availability: Items available: (1)

A History of Nursing: Vol. 4: From the Earliest Times to The Present Day with Special Reference to The Work of The Past Thirty Years by Lavinia L. Dock Publication: USA G. P. Putnam's sons 1912 Description: 338 pages , 21 cm. Date: 1912 Availability: Items available: (1)

Homilies of Mar Narsai: Vol. 1 by Mar Narsai Publication: USA patriarchal press 1970 Description: 770 pages , 22 cm. Date: 1970 Availability: Items available: (1)

Homilies of Mar Narsai: Vol. 2 by Mar Narsai Publication: USA patriarchal press 1970 Description: 893 pages , 22 cm. Date: 1970 Availability: Items available: (1)

حياة القديسة ريتا وتساعيتها   Publication: مصر Description: 28+65 pages , 12 cm. Availability: Items available: (1)

العائلة المقدسة في مصر: دراسة جغرافية سياحية by عدلي أنيس Publication: القاهرة مكتبة الأنجلو المصرية 2023 Description: 100 pages , 24 cm. Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: (1)

The Evolution of The Modern Idea of Revolution by R. Bruce Douglass Publication: Switzerland World Student Christian Federation 1972 Description: 55 pages , 21 cm. Date: 1972 Availability: Items available: (1)

Open Library:
The Jerusalem Meeting of The International Missionary Council, March 24-April 8, 1928: V. 3. the Relation Between the Younger and The Older Churches   Publication: UK | USA International Missionary Council 1928 Description: 305 pages , 20 cm. Availability: Items available: (1)

شيخي: القديس يوسف الهدوئي: My Elder Joseph the Hesychast by الشيخ أفرام فيلوثيو Elder Ephrim of Philotheou Publication: آثوس دير فاتوبيذي المقدس 2023 Description: 575 pages , 24 cm. Date: 2023 Availability: Items available: (1)

apaleogrphical and languistic study of the texts of unpublished collections of coptic ostaca from thebas by Rowida Abo Baker Mohamed Fawzy Publication: Luxor Luxor University 2022 Description: 201 pages , 29 cm. Date: 2022 Availability: Items available: (1)

Praying Beads and Praying Ropes in Egyptian Christian Art and Heritage: Comparative Study Between Coptic and Byzantine Art: السبحة واحبال الصلاة في الفن والتراث المصري المسيحي: دراسة مقارنة بين الفن القبطي والفن البيزنطي by Zeinab Hanafy Hassan Ali زينب حنفي حسن علي محمود Publication: Alexandria Alexandria university 2022 Description: 355 pages , 29 cm. Date: 2022 Availability: Items available: (1)

:الجداريات المكتشفة حديثا بالديرين الأبيض والأحمر في سوهاج: في الفترة ما بين القرن الرابع والقرن الثاني عشر الميلادي Recent Discoveries of Wall Paintings in White and Red Monasteries in Sohag by أمنية صلاح خلف موسى Publication: الإسكندرية كلية الآداب - جامعة الإسكندرية 2022 Description: 338 pages , 29 cm. Date: 2022 Availability: Items available: (1)

حروف الجر في اللهجة الأسيوطية من خلال نص انجيل يوحنا: دراسة مقارنة مع اللهجات القبطية ومدى تطابقها مع النص الأصلي by فيليب زاهر يعقوب Publication: القاهرة كلية الآثار - جامعة القاهرة 2021 Description: 260 pages , 29 cm. Date: 2021 Availability: Items available: (1)

التمائم في الفن القبطي والبيزنطي حتى منتصف القرن السابع الميلادي Amulets in Coptic and Byzantine Arts Till Middle of The Seventh Century A.D by مريم سامي عزيز جرجس Publication: دمنهور كلية الآداب جامعة دمنهور 2022 Description: 250 pages , 29 cm. Date: 2022 Availability: Items available: (1)